Tuesday 22 May 2012

HSE-endorsed powered gate safety guide published by DHF

A comprehensive guide to powered gate safety has been published by the Door & Hardware Federation with the backing of the Health & Safety Executive.

The guide informs all those within the industry on the legislation, standards and guidelines that need to be followed to ensure every gate installation is safe. It is available from www.dhfonline.org.uk .

Its publication follows recent fatal accidents that have involved powered automatic gates. The DHF rose to the challenge of providing an independent platform for the industry to drive up levels of safety in gate manufacture and installation by forming a specialist powered gates group. This now represents the leading UK manufacturers, suppliers, and installers of powered perimeter gates.

The DHF Guide to Gate Safety Legislation and Standards is the first guidance publication to be issued by the group and has been adopted as best practice technical guidance by Gate Safe, the industry-led campaign to improve automated gate safety. It will be followed by the establishment of further safety standard in 2013.

Said Andy Holz, chairman of the DHF powered gate group: “The DHF has long experience in setting safety standards for automated doors in other industry sectors, such as powered garage doors. Much of that technical expertise is transferrable to the powered gate sector.

 “This means that powered gate manufacturers and installers can tap into a rich source of technical knowledge and practical information on compliance with safety legislation. Our new DHF Guide to Gate Safety Legislation and Standards will help ensure every current and future gate installation in the UK can be made safe and comply with the law and that the risk of death or injury due to inadequate manufacturing and installation will be dramatically reduced.”

Nick Ratty, the head of HSE’s services, transport and safety unit, said: “The Health and Safety Executive was consulted in the production of this publication and endorses the sensible advice to installers on managing the risks from powered gates set out in the guidance.”

The guide summarises the current legislation and standards which will help gate providers, installers and property and building professionals to fully understand how to meet their safety obligations. It lists all the standards which contain requirements for various aspects of powered gate performance and design. It also makes recommendations on current safety solutions which go beyond the obligations in the currently published standards.

For more information, visit www.dhfonline.org.uk .


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