Saturday 9 December 2017

ARGE Announces Conference Survey Results

The results of ARGE’s post conference survey have revealed high levels of satisfaction with the overall conference and its content. 92% of delegates rated this year’s event as good or excellent.

As part of its post conference activity ARGE invited all attendees to submit feedback, in an effort to better understand the successes of this year’s event and how to improve in 2018. Overall the results showed high levels of satisfaction with the conference’s business and social programmes, as well as good engagement with the speaker and workshop topics.

The business programme, which this year included the 2020 vision for ARGE and speakers from across the construction industry, was rated as good or excellent quality by 92% of respondents. The most popular topics amongst participants were ‘ARGE 2020 – changing the game’, ‘Digital transformation effecting our industry’ and ‘Trends in the construction industry across Europe’. Other popular features included the MACO factory tour, which was rated as excellent or good by all those who took part in the visit.

The results of the survey also showed that the main reason for attending the ARGE Conference was to gain a better understanding of the ARGE agenda, this is something ARGE will be continuing to promote in its post conference communications.

When it comes to improving future formats of the Conference the most popular suggestions were an extended business programme and more industry related content. The feedback provided by the survey will be invaluable in planning the 2018 conference in Rotterdam and the board will be taking action to introduce some of the suggested changes at next year’s event.

Literature and presentations from the 2017 ARGE conference can still be downloaded from the members resource section. and further information about ARGE can be found at

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