Tuesday 25 August 2015

Teenager seriously injured in powered gate incident

The Door and Hardware Federation have been informed of a recent incident that caused serious injury to a teenager when a powered gate fell on them. The relevant authorities have been informed and are looking into the incident.

The report received by the DHF, revealed that the gate was at a location where people are employed and hence the owner would be required to keep the gate in a safe condition by regulation 5 the Workplace (Health Safety and Welfare) Regulations.

If reports are accurate it would appear that a DHF Powered Gate Group member company had informed the owner that the gate was unsafe and refused to repair the gate unless they could also address the safety issues, in line with DHF guidelines and as required by section 3 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. It now transpires that the gate may have subsequently been repaired by another company who did not address the safety issues, resulting in yet another serious powered gate injury.

The DHF Powered Gate Group would like to remind anyone who works on powered gates that it is an offence under section 3 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, to do any work on a powered gate that does not result in a safe gate.

In addition, owners of powered gates that are either at rented property or at workplaces also have equal responsibilities under the 1974 Act as well as the responsibilities imposed at workplaces by the Workplace (Health Safety and Welfare) Regulations.

In all cases a safe gate is one where all crush, impact, shear, draw-in, structural and electrical hazards have been addressed by applying reasonable and practicable control measures, as a standard (BS EN 12453) has been available on the subject since 2001, its contents form the state of the art for the industry and hence what is reasonable and practicable to achieve.

Resistance to safety upgrades by owners of existing powered gates is now the biggest problem being faced by DHF members, this is resulting in an increasing number of less responsible companies taking on and executing works illegally. This growing and intolerable situation cannot be allowed to continue and the DHF is appealing to all local authorities and central government to clamp down on illegal activity in the powered gate industry and for anyone who works on powered gates to get comprehensive and accurate training. The DHF Powered Gate Group Powered Gate Safety Diploma is open to members and non-members alike and can be accessed by calling the DHF office on 01827 52 337 or emailing info@dhfonline.org.uk.

This and many other gate safety related issues will be promoted during Gate Safety Week which runs from 12th to 18th October. More details can be accessed the Gate Safety Week web site at gatesafetyweek.org.uk .

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