Tuesday 6 September 2016

New Scheme Offers Developers One-Time Security

Secured by Design (SBD) has launched the SBD National Building Approval (NBA) scheme for developers, builders, architects and public sector specifiers on new build and refurbishment projects.

After a one-time sign up, the SBD NBA offers a time-saving alternative method of complying with all aspects of Approved Document Q and other UK building regulations since SBD will perform all due diligence in checking that door, window and roof-light suppliers meet all the requirements of Doc Q. Recognised by Building Control Officers as the benchmark of security conformity, The SBD NBA scheme costs developers just cost £1 for a three year term and has been proven to prevent a significant amount of crime on accredited developments.

The SBD NBA is the latest ‘designing out crime’ initiative from SBD. It provides developers and housebuilders with an efficient and simplified route to compliance with Part Q of Schedule 1 (Security) to the Building Regulations 2010, and the Scottish Building Standard 4.13 – Security. The initiative focuses on the security of the building and members of the scheme receive a Secured by Design certificate which is accepted by Local Authority Building Control Officers and Approved Inspectors as a way of discharging the regulations.

Because the SBD NBA scheme is one-off agreement, signed at the time of joining, it offers housebuilders and developers a significant time and cost saving in achieving security compliance, especially as it covers all future developments during the life-time of the agreement. SBD offers expert advice and guidance throughout the process and by agreeing physical security solutions at the start of the design process, developers can guarantee that their schemes will always meet police security requirements.

Companies that join the SBD NBA scheme will automatically be registered as SBD members, providing proof to local authorities that planning applications are from a responsible developer. Membership of the scheme also signifies police approval for building security and improves pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) scoring.

The SBD NBA Scheme is most often applied to housing schemes but can equally be applied to schools, care homes, offices or any other public building that falls under SBD’s remit. For further details of the scheme, a full guide can be downloaded at www.securedbydesign.com or by emailing sbdnba@police-cpi.co.uk.

Secured by Design is the official UK Police flagship initiative combining the principles of 'designing out crime' with physical security. It is run on behalf of the UK police as part of Police Crime Prevention Initiatives Ltd services and draws directors from several police forces. Several other crime prevention initiatives operate under the SBD umbrella, including Park Mark, Safer Parking, Secured Environments, NPCC Security Systems Group and the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme.


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