“I re-call at the time discussing the creation of a schedule for our first safety conference with our UK partner company Easygates, it was then that we heard the tragic news that a young child had been crushed to death by a gate” said Andy Holz of ASO. The result of this tragic incident (and then a near identical fatal accident one week later) instantly changed views within the industry and lead to a completely new approach to the first safety conference’s inception and content. “We found ourselves presented with a huge challenge, to provide balanced and impartial information on legislation and BS-EN standards whilst also giving the attendee’s vital information to help instantly improve safety levels within the industry” said Holz.
In October 2010 the inaugural GSC (Gate Safety Conference) was hosted in the Midlands , the event was a great success with over 230 attendee’s from 150 separate companies all eager to gain as much information & safety knowledge from the event as possible. With the feedback gained from this event it was clear that the Industry required more focused guidance and a representative body to carry things forward.
In the months that followed the successful creation of a “Powered Gate Group” within the Industry body Door and Hardware Federation (DHF ) has served to provide the required platform. The focus group has worked hard to create and launch the HSE endorsed “Guide to gate safety” which is now downloadable directly from the DHF’s website and will be distributed to the industry in the coming months.
This coupled with the excellent work of the affiliated initiative Gate Safe (Also created in 2010 by Jacksons Fencing) who have designed and launched a CPD for specification, only goes to show how the Industry can and is moving forward.
ASO has now decided to organise a second Gate Safety Conference.
With so many questions having been raised regarding industry standards, legislation and the HSE`s involvement we feel it is our duty to update you. With presentations from the DHF, HSE and Gate Safe along with an in depth analysis and breakdown of the “guide to gate safety” the conference is an essential event for those wishing to ensure the safe and prosperous future of their business and the Industry as a whole.
Date: June 27th 2012
Where: Solihull, West Midlands
Registration: You can register online at http://www.gate-safety-conference.com
Conference Guide: The guide can be downloaded here http://www.gate-safety-conference.com/downloads/
Conference Guide: The guide can be downloaded here http://www.gate-safety-conference.com/downloads/
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