Monday, 30 September 2013

Fire door experts highlight need for freshers fire safety guidance

Freshers should receive mandatory fire safety guidance before moving into halls of residence and shared accommodation, fire door experts have advised. 

In a joint statement to all university and higher education estates and facilities managers and student accommodation offices, the British Woodworking Federation, BWF-CERTIFIRE Scheme and Fire Door Inspection Scheme are using the success of the recent Fire Door Safety Week as the hook to remind them to carry out more checks of their buildings’ fire doors and to ensure fire door safety is drilled into new students who may be sharing accommodation for the first time.

John Fletcher, BWF-CERTIFIRE Scheme manager, says:
“Moving into halls of residence or private accommodation for university is an exciting time and gives young people real independence. However, with this freedom comes responsibility and one critical area of responsibility is fire safety.

“Every year, 350 18-24 year olds are injured in accidental house fires started by cigarettes, smoking materials and cooking. In fact half of these fires occur because of cooking.

“One of the key elements of fire prevention is fire doors. If you live in halls of residence you will have fire doors in place to prevent fire from spreading. In order for this to work, fire doors must be kept shut at all times and never wedged or held open by a fire extinguisher or other heavy object. This also applies to houses rented by a group of three or more students. Make sure your landlord has installed fire doors and keeps them well maintained.”

The Fire Door Safety Week team has produced a free poster for all university accommodation teams to use to promote greater awareness of fire door safety. It is available to download at:

Some universities and colleges already require students to complete questionnaires after watching an induction fire safety video in order to register for halls. Others have produced videos with their local fire and rescue service to highlight the common fire risks in student accommodation with tips on how they can be avoided.

Theodore Firedoor, the campaigner for raising awareness of dodgy fire doors, recently interviewed Rod Harrison, Fire Safety Officer at Loughborough University, about the issues that arise in student accommodation and how they are overcome.

Theodore Firedoor encourages anyone who spots a dodgy fire door to take a picture and send it via his Facebook page, Twitter @Theodore_Fire or email
Fire Door Safety Week was established to promote advice to building owners and their property management teams on how to install, check and maintain fire doors. This includes free CPD training and fact cards from BWF-CERTIFIRE. They are available to download here:

The final advice from Fire Door Safety Week is for parents. 
John Fletcher says:
“When you get your son or daughter settled into their new university accommodation, take a quick look at the fire doors and always report any that don’t look right. Don’t be embarrassed to make a fuss. The law is on your side.  This is not about over-protective parenting – it’s something we should do in every building we use anyway, and it’s a legal responsibility to have fully functioning fire doors.”

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Sunday, 29 September 2013

St James’s Concours of Elegance 2013 was a Stunning Success with in excess of £250,000 raised for charity

St James's Concours of Elegance at London's Marlborough House Gardens
Photo Credit Tim Scott @ Fluid Images

The UK’s Concours of Elegance took place on September 5-7, 2013 in St James’s, Central London. Sixty-one of the world’s rarest motor cars – many of them never seen before in this country – graced the gardens of 300-year old Royal palace Marlborough House.

Lead by Royal patron HRH Prince Michael of Kent driving the 1933 Napier-Railton 24 litre Special (see below), and with the oldest dating from 1907, nearly all of the cars in the Concours were driven - in a spectacular convoy from Buckingham Palace down The Mall - by their owners into the gardens on the opening morning.

Over 6000 visitors attended the Concours with thousands more lining The Mall to watch the ‘Grand Depart’ on the closing day.

Clive Beecham, owner of the 1967 Ferrari 275 GTB/4 Pinifarina NART Spyder, commented:  
“I had a thoroughly enjoyable time and loved being able to talk cars for three days … the opportunity to drive down The Mall is something that will long live in my memory. The spectacle Thorough Events puts on is such a privilege for those of us fortunate enough to be invited.”

On the Saturday, visitors enjoyed the Royal Automobile Club’s ‘Spirit of Motoring' display of 35 cars, together with a line-up of Lamborghinis celebrating the marques 50th anniversary. Members of the Aston Martin Owners Club, Bentley Drivers Club, Jaguar Drivers Club, Ferrari Owners Club, Bristol Owners Club, Barkham and District Classic Car Club also joined in the celebrations.

HRH Prince Michael of Kent leads the convoy of
Concours cars - Photo Credit Tim Scott @ Fluid Images
Best in Show
As its name suggests, a traditional concours would normally include a judging panel briefed to scrutinise each entry and select a ‘winning’ car. Not so at the Concours of Elegance whose organisers – Thorough Events - maintained that if a car had been invited to the Concours, it was already a winner!

However, the owners of the Concours cars were asked to vote for the car they would ‘most like to drive home in’ and thereby selected the ‘Best of Show’. The winner of the St James’s Concours of Elegance Trophy 2013 is Mr Bruce McCaw with his 1930 Bentley Speed-Six Gurney Nutting Sportsman Coupé.

John Bentley, Chair of the Thorough Events Steering Committee, said: 
“The Pullman Trophy is chosen by the international owners who had each brought a world-class car, so winning is a real recognition of the Bentley’s historic significance and popular appeal. As a British Concours held in the grounds of a Royal palace, it was obviously satisfying that an English car won. We are extremely grateful to its owner, Mr Bruce McCaw who came from Seattle to attend the event.”

Commissioned by South African diamond heir Woolf Barnato (1895-1948), one of the finest drivers among the ‘Bentley Boys’ and three time Le Mans winner, the Speed Six is the model considered by many to be the peak of Bentley perfection: a driver’s car with superb handling, speed and reliability, and looks that perfectly expressed the gentleman sportsman.

Bruce McCaw added: 
“Receiving the Best of Show Award was beyond my wildest expectations. The Bentley 'Blue Train' Speed Six Gurney Nutting Coupé is indeed a special vehicle. While I can take no credit for its design, or even its restoration, I am proud to be its current custodian and to be able to bring it back for a rare appearance in its homeland. I am happy the car was so appreciated and well received.

“To depart the Concours with HRH Prince Michael of Kent at the wheel was a thrill and honour beyond description. His passion and motoring skills are legendary and I admired witnessing them first-hand.”

The 'Pullman Trophy' is based on the Concours’ Pegasus logo, made of highly polished aluminium mounted on a plinth of wood from a walnut tree from the Windsor Great Park.

A Major Fundraising Event
The key objective of the annual Concours of Elegance is to be a highly successful fundraising initiative and this year’s event supported charities working in the field of cancer care, research and support. Funds raised by the 2013 Concours of Elegance are again in excess of £250,000 and are being split between Marie Curie Cancer Care, Pilotlight, Rosetrees Trust and Action on Bladder Cancer.

Limited edition Concours of Elegance posters and St James’s Concours of Elegance Souvenir Catalogues are available.

Please visit to view the full image Gallery.

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Saturday, 28 September 2013


The reputation of Woodrite’s solid York range side hinged garage doors hangs not just on the build quality, but on the hardware fitted to the doors!

Three high-grade furniture packs provide choice for the consumer and solid reliability for day-to-day use. All packs share the same components but differ in terms of the type of hinges used and the finishes of each item, giving a choice of – Contemporary, Classic and Traditional.

Contemporary packs employ butt hinges and these are available in brass or silver colour, Classic packs use strap hinges in black or silver and the Traditional pack uses rustic wrought iron strap hinges.

The hardware, in conjunction with the solid construction, keeps York doors working well for the long-term.

For more information on side hinged garage doors contact Woodrite on 01280 841010 or email to

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Friday, 27 September 2013

Woodrite’s Idigbo Doors Now Come in Many Shades

The Warwick range of wooden garage doors from Woodrite is made from the “oak-like” hardwood, idigbo. Idigbo doors are fully finished as standard and the choice of colours has been extended from three to twelve.

The colours offer up to five years protection, subject to Woodrite’s terms and conditions of use. Adding to natural oak, old oak and brackley oak, the new colours are rustic oak, aged oak, chocolate oak, conker, golden oak, green oak, mid oak, midnight oak and red oak.

To request samples of these great finishes contact Woodrite on 01280 841010 or email to View the finishes online at

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Thursday, 26 September 2013

Priory Door Group Choose Somfy Rollixo RTS Controller

As a market leading manufacturer of roller doors for over 50 years, The Priory Door Group have always been pioneers of legislative change for the better. 

Therefore we believe that the introduction of the new Construction Products Regulation (CPR), and the integration of compulsory CE marking, represents a significant step in the right direction for our industry. 

As specialists in supplying roller doors to the trade, our customers can sleep easy at night, safe in the knowledge that every door they buy from The Priory Door Group, is fully compliant.

 The Europa range of automatic insulated roller garage doors has seen possibly the most noticeable specification changes, in line with current legislation. 

All automatic Europa roller garage doors are now supplied with the inclusion of a Somfy Rollixo RTS remote controller with wireless optical safety edge, as standard. The Somfy Rollixo RTS is the UK’s first and only roller garage door controller to be backed by a comprehensive 5 year warranty. 

The controller has been chosen, as it stands head and shoulders above its competitors for innovation, build quality, and reliability. The inclusion of the Somfy Rollixo RTS is in keeping with the continued efforts to build on the success of the Europa brand, to provide our customers with a roller garage door that both stands aside from the rest, and the test of time.

The Priory Door Group has always been synonymous with providing high quality doors at competitive trade only prices. At our manufacturing plant near Birmingham, we produce a wide range of roller shutters, from bespoke steel traditional shutters for industrial usage, to aluminium continental style shutters for commercial applications, through to insulated roller garage doors for domestic properties.
For further information on the services we provide, or for a competitive quotation, please contact our sales team on 0121 558 6406.

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Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Mul-T-Lock’s MLA Expo Success

Key highlights for Mul-T-Lock at MLA Expo 2013 included the KC5 semi-automatic key cutting machine, three patented cylinder systems and the innovative modular cylinder assembly kit for Locksmiths.

Visitors to the stand were able to discover more about Mul-T-Lock’s innovative and intelligent KC5 key cutting machine that supports all Mul-T-Lock cylinder platforms.

Mul-T-Lock also presented its practical modular cylinder kit which enables locksmiths to produce Euro profile cylinders on demand. Developed to enable quick assembly of Interactive, Interactive+, MT5 and MT5+ systems, the kit is allows cylinders to be produced in varying offsets up to a dual cylinder at 140mm overall length (70mm x 70mm.)

Mul-T-Lock Anti Snap cylinder range was on show, the original Break Secure 1* cylinder and the Break Secure XP the number one high security anti-snap cylinder with BSi Kitemark 3* TS007 accreditation.

Says Steve Ross, Managing Director of Mul-T-Lock UK:  
“We have, and always will be, a locksmith company designing products for locksmiths.  Hence, we constantly strive to deliver state-of-the-art products to help our customers sell solutions, often into different and difficult markets.

“MLA Expo is the perfect chance for Mul-T-Lock to showcase our latest products and invite feedback from our locksmith partners.  

It is also a critical opportunity for us to discuss individual projects on a one to one basis, to consider how we can work even closer together to deliver bespoke, integrated solutions to exactly meet the needs of the end user.”

Electromechanical initiatives, including Smartair, and CLiQ Remote technologies, alongside the Code-It handle set were demonstrated at the MLA Expo.

For further information on Mul-T-Lock, please visit

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MLA Expo 2013 Proves To Be A Huge Hit

MLA Expo 13 was a huge success.

Locksmiths, suppliers and security industry professionals from across the globe flocked to MLA Expo 13 this month, with the event being announced as one of the biggest in its 30-year history.

Held at The International Centre in Telford from September 13 to September 15, MLA Expo 2013 attracted 77 exhibitors – a significant increase on the 64 exhibitors who attended the last MLA Expo, held in 2011.

Hosted by The Master Locksmiths Association (MLA), the UK’s largest trade exhibition for the locksmithing and security industry saw exhibitors and delegates showcase products and services, discuss industry trends, network and attend training courses on subjects including CCTV, Safe Lock Picking and Lock Related Standards.

The event was opened by Jim Maddan, National Chairman of the Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network, an official partner of The Master Locksmiths Association, and was sponsored by global businesses Abloy, Mul-T-Lock and Yale, together with ASSA ABLOY Security Solutions.

 Dr Steffan George, development director for the MLA, said: 

“I’m delighted to say that MLA Expo 2013 has been one of the biggest and best yet.

“The International Centre proved again to be a superb venue and it was great to see so many people exchanging ideas, making new contacts, sharing knowledge and swapping business cards!

“There was a real ‘buzz’ in the hall and the event got off to a great start on Friday 13, which was particularly busy: we even had to lend one visitor a trolley because they had purchased so many products!

“The training provided at MLA Expo 2013 also proved hugely popular, with three safe-related courses selling out prior to the event.”

Commenting on the MLA Expo 2013, Pat Cook, managing director of Aldridge Security Ltd, said:

“MLA Expo is a great opportunity for us to showcase our latest products and services to customers and the industry.

“Aldridge always enjoys exhibiting at the Expo as it’s a well-attended and very well organised show. Not only do we get the chance to see existing and potential customers, but also other suppliers, and it’s all under one roof. The 2013 show was one of the best yet!”

Steve Ross, managing director of Mul-T-Lock, stated: 
“MLA Expo will always be a highlight in the Mul-T-Lock calendar, to showcase our very latest electromechanical, mechanical and patented product solutions directly to our locksmith customers from across the UK and Ireland.

“This year was exceptionally successful, with existing and new dealers visiting our stand to explore different ways of working together. We’re looking forward to following up our list of exciting enquiries and the opportunities provided by the exhibition.”

Neil Sheane-Smith, commercial manager (security products) at M. Marcus Ltd, said:  
“We regularly attend MLA Expo and we’ve seen even more footfall and exhibitors at this year’s event. It has been very buoyant.”

Nigel Rose, managing director of Nigel Rose (MS) Ltd, commented: 
“We were incredibly busy and took more orders than at any previous show.”

Dan Johnson, UK sales for CLD Distribution, added: 
“This is the first time we’ve exhibited at MLA Expo and we’ve been extremely impressed by it, the event has been a real eye opener. It has been a fantastic place to make new contacts.”

A number of exhibitors were awarded prizes for their contributions to MLA Expo 2013, with Ronis Dom winning the prize for Best Stand, Aldridge Security triumphing in the Most Creative Stand category, and D&E Architectural Hardware Ltd winning the award for Best New Product for its Drumm Geminy Lock System.

Dr Steffan George, development director of the
Master Locksmiths Association.
 Dr Steffan George concluded: 
“MLA Expo is a much anticipated event in the security industry calendar and the large number of exhibitors who attended this year is testimony to its ever increasing profile.

“It was also pleasing to see such a wide variety of exhibitors at the show with, for instance, website providers, corporate clothing companies and tool manufacturers all present along with lock and security-related firms.

“The feedback from this year’s event has been extremely positive, with a number of exhibitors even asking us to hold MLA Expo on an annual basis.

“I would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who attended and made it such a huge success.”
For further information on The Master Locksmiths Association, visit

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Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Architectural seals reimagined – Lorient’s new AURA® range

For almost 35 years, Lorient has been designing and manufacturing the highest quality sealing systems for performance doors across the world. Today Lorient is unveiling a new and exciting range of contemporary architectural seals under the brand name of AURA®.

The AURA® range embraces a discerning selection of drop seals, perimeter seals, door bottom seals, threshold plates and ramps ─ all with strong design accents. Every detail of the AURA® product range is considered and designed to integrate more successfully into beautifully designed doorsets and floors.

A number of signature design details feature within the AURA® range; including a distinctive curved profile, which not only creates a sophisticated visual aesthetic, but also spreads and diffuses sound. AURA® threshold plates and ramps incorporate hardwearing tread strips which deliver greater grip under foot. The unique reversible design provides either a smooth or ridged surface, depending on practical and aesthetic preferences. Wherever possible, AURA® fixings are completely concealed, enhancing the overall finish, preserving clean lines and curves, while also improving security and safety.

Specialist finishes are available for complete design freedom ─ with luminescent options for enhanced safety; and bespoke finishes to complement a wider colour palette.

All products are manufactured to Lorient’s exacting standards. AURA® perimeter seals and drop seals have been successfully tested for acoustic and smoke containment; and carry CERTIFIRE certification (CF5179).

For further information about the AURA® architectural seals range, and to order an exclusive sample pack or brochure, please email

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Monday, 23 September 2013

Standard Garage Doors With An Innovative Twist

Fort Doors are the UK’s newest manufacturer, having officially launched their range of products back in July, ready for the new CE EN 13241-1 regulations.

And, the new company is already creating a stir in the market supplying a broad range of standard doors that all have an innovative twist.

Up and Over Doors 

Fort Doors supply a range of linear and Georgian Up and Over doors (pretty standard) but they are supplied on a 50mm frame. EVEN ON RETRACTABLES! 
“We are extremely pleased with Fort Doors”, said Hugh Dawkins owner of Kudos Doors in Huddersfield, “Fort have allowed us to fit standard doors in more applications, which has not only given as an advantage over our competitors, but has given  the home owner a wider, and less expensive solution for their property”.

Side-Hinged Doors

 The next product that has proved particularly popular is the range of side-hinged doors.  

As standard Fort Doors supply 4-point locking (that’s not even the twist!).  

In addition to this is the Fort premier pack that is supplied with a threshold which assists in keeping debris out of the garage.  

And the Fort Twist?  The option of having side-hinged doors up to 9’ wide supplied insulated. 

“Smart-pass” Wicket Doors

 The next product Fort Doors has launched is almost entirely innovative!  It’s a standard up and over door, on a 50mm frame, complete with a built-in pedestrian door.  

The Fort Smart-pass door offers a useful selling point, for people who want to have a standard up and over door, but with the convenience of a built in pedestrian door.

So what are you waiting for?

With a range of 14 standard colours, and 2 laminates; matching personnel doors; a range of Timber and GRP doors please contact Matthew Berry on 07900 943 262 or email

For supporting literature, trade accounts, and more information or to make your next standard door innovative, email .


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Sunday, 22 September 2013

Lister Motor Company Storms Back To Business

In an historic announcement today, Lister Cars, one the greatest names in British sports car manufacturing, has stated it will return to its Cambridge roots to once again reinstate production of an exciting new Lister car.
After a gap of almost 25 years since the last Lister rolled off the production line, the three Lister companies of George Lister Engineering of Cambridge, Brian Lister Light Engineering and Lister Storm, have been reunited into one organisation that will herald the return of one of the greatest sports racing cars of the 1950's - the fabulous Lister 'Knobbly' Jaguar.

In an exciting move that will ensure the return of the Lister name to new car production, the three companies have been consolidated within a new business called Lister Motor Company Limited, after a significant investment by Warrantywise, one of the UK’s most successful aftermarket used car warranty providers.
Stirling Moss winning at Silverstone in 1958 driving
a Lister-Jaguar (courtesy of LAT Archive)
 Lister Motor Company Limited has invested in a new, a state-of-the-art facility in Cambridge, which includes CNC machining, 3D scanning and Catia design, all of which will enable George Lister Engineering to develop and deliver an exciting and near identical development of the historic, race-winning, competition and track car.

Brian Lister’s original working drawings and manufacturing jigs have all been re-commissioned, and many of the team involved in the original 1950’s project with Lister Cars have been called back into service, including Martin Murray, Colin (Chippy) Crisp, Graham (Curley) Hutton, Laurence Pearce and even Brian Lister himself. 
Heading up the manufacturing project is Mark Hallam, technical director at George Lister Engineering and Jerry Booen of D Type Developments will also be assisting with the project. The cars will be built to be identical to those of 1958, and will be race-ready 'out of the box' to race with BHL-C (C for Continuation) chassis insignia and up to FIA/HTP Appendix K specification.

Lawrence Whittaker, CEO of Warranty Wise and the investor in the project, said: 
“Anyone with a fondness for British sports car manufacturing and with an understanding of Lister’s remarkable heritage should rightly be excited by this news. The Lister ‘Knobbly’ was a powerful, giant-killing racing car in its heyday, and with all the expertise we have brought together for this project, I can promise that the new Lister will be a fabulously exciting and desirable car. This is a passionate undertaking for us and we also have some very exciting plans for the future.”
Race proven, Jaguar D Type-specification engines and D Type gearboxes will be supplied by world-renowned experts, Crosthwaite & Gardener, and all race preparation and track commissioning will be undertaken by Chris Keith-Lucas of CKL Developments, another leading specialist in historic Jaguar restoration and preparation. 
Last but not least, that fantastic streamlined Knobbly body will be re-created using the original Shapecraft body bucks by the immensely skilled artisan craftsmen, Clive Smart and Adrian Breeze.

A series of Lister sponsored historic race meetings are planned for 2015, in time for the Lister 125th year anniversary.

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Door Industry Journal is a trading style of Avalon Innovations LLP Company Registration No. 06807833