Friday 16 October 2015

Fully adjustable brackets for Electro Magnetic Locks

Adjustable Electro Magnetic Lock Bracket

Leading Locks, Safety and Security specialists Securefast plc have introduced the perfect solution to address the regular problem encountered when fitting adjustable brackets for face fixed electro magnets to outward opening doors.

The fully adjustable and unobtrusive brackets are purposely designed to alleviate the traditional problems encountered by installers when fitting face fix electro magnetic locks on outward opening timber, steel and aluminium doors.

The sliding plate design allows the installer to adjust the position of the electromagnet at any point during installation, even after commissioning.

The unique bracket construction also allows for ±3 degrees of movement on the plate should the door not be correctly aligned with the frame.

The Securefast Brackets are supplied fully assembled, therefore the installer simply mounts the bracket, fits the electro magnetic lock to the sliding plate and lines up the armature plate.

A wiring cavity and cut out are included in the design ensuring that cabling and connection to the power supply is made simple and straight forward.

The Deedlock AEM10001 Slimline magnet functions perfectly with the ADG1-1 adjustable bracket, whilst the DG1-2 is designed to suit the 10010 standard magnets.

The neat and unobtrusive brackets are a proven solution that allows infinite adjustment and precise positioning of the electromagnetic lock, ensuring that there is a perfect alignment with the armature plate every time.

The Securefast brackets are designed to ensure a simpler, quicker and more efficient installation.

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