Friday 23 October 2015

New DHF NSI powered gate code of practice to play vital safety role

A new code of practice (DHF TS 011) designed to raise standards of powered gate safety to new levels has been announced by the Door & Hardware Federation (DHF) and the National Security Inspectorate (NSI).

The code aims to reduce the risks associated with powered gates to as low as is reasonably practicable. It draws on safety legislation, European standards, and industry best practice. It gives practical help to all those involved in powered gates to meet their legal obligations by providing clear guidance on the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of powered gates.

The DHF’s Powered Gate Group represents more than 100 of Britain’s leading manufacturers, suppliers, installers and maintainers of powered automatic gates and gate automation equipment. NSI is the UKAS-accredited certification and inspection body which audits over 1,800 security and fire safety providers.

The two organisations, led by DHF training officer Nick Perkins and NSI technical officer Mark Gallagher, have spent two years developing the DHF Code of Practice for the Design, Manufacture, Installation and Maintenance of Powered Gates. NSI will audit organisations seeking NSI approval against the code to verify compliance. NSI approval will initially be offered to DHF members and to existing NSI approved companies.

All members of the DHF Powered Gate Group must abide by the code of practice when it comes into operation, regardless of whether or not they wish to seek NSI approval.

The new code covers manufacturers' and installers' responsibilities for gate design, new gate installations, risk assessment and commissioning. It details their responsibilities for maintenance and modification of existing gates covering risk assessment, safe isolation and documentation.

Organisations granted NSI approval will be eligible to issue their customers with renewable DHF/NSI certificates of compliance for their powered gate installations, providing customers and users with peace of mind regarding the safety of their powered gates.

Bob Perry, DHF CEO, said:
"Since 2005 there have been seven deaths in the UK and Ireland, at least nine serious injuries and countless near misses caused by dangerous powered gates. It's estimated that only 30% of the 500,000 automated gates in service in the UK are safe to use. As an industry we find this completely unacceptable. We’re absolutely determined to do everything we can to ensure no more tragic accidents happen. This new DHF code of practice will help us achieve our ultimate aim of confining powered gate accidents to the history books."
Richard Jenkins, NSI CEO, said:
“At NSI, our first and only mission is to raise standards of safety and security for people and property. Properly installed and maintained powered gates are a key part of the safety and security landscape, so collaboration between the DHF and NSI is a perfect fit. Organisations who sign up to the DHF’s Code of Practice and choose the NSI approval route will have the right to issue their customers with a unique Certificate of Compliance for each powered gate they install and/or maintain, providing the customers with the greatest confidence in their equipment and maintenance regime.

“With several tragic accidents involving powered gates, the potential value of certification in helping increase safety in this area is clear. We are confident that professional installers will seek NSI approval and certificate powered gate installations as a demonstration of their commitment to safety for their customers and users alike.”
The two organisations are about to embark on a pilot scheme which will include a select number of DHF members and NSI approved companies. This will run to March 2016. It is anticipated that the NSI approval scheme will go live in the second quarter of 2016.

The Code of Practice DHF TS 011 will be available shortly. For further information email the DHF or telephone 01827 52337. For further information about DHF or the NSI visit or .

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