Monday 26 October 2015

Relcross Automatic Door Systems: Continued Growth at Harper Adams University

The relationship between Relcross Ltd and Harper Adams University goes back a long way with specialist installer Rowsman Ltd the happy intermediary. Since 2008 Rowsman have installed 25 Relcross LCN Auto Equalizers around the campus to provide occasional automatic opening for doors designed primarily for manual operation. The six latest to be installed are all in their new, and very impressive, Agricultural Engineering Innovation Centre.

The University recognised that some of their staff and students would struggle to operate some of the doors encountered in the course of their normal daily routines. So they have been steadily installing LCN Auto Equalizers that can be activated in a variety of ways including wall mounted push buttons and wheelchair mounted fobs.

When activated, the pneumatically powered Auto Equalizer silently pushes or pulls the door open depending on which side of the door it is mounted. After a short delay the integral traditional door closer takes over to close the door and complete the cycle. Power is supplied by a pneumatic compressor tucked away out of sight and a single compressor can power up to 5 or 6 doors. The capacity of the compressor is selected carefully at the specification stage to accommodate the likely traffic profile (i.e. frequency of use of doors) and the distances involved between the compressor and the doors to be controlled. In fact costs per door leaf decrease significantly as the number of door leaves increases.

An added advantage is reliability and ease of service. A lack of reliance upon micro-processors and (often) complicated electronics means the Relcross Auto Equalizer has much less opportunity for failure. Estate Foreman Arthur Broadhurst said “They are very cost effective and virtually maintenance free”.

For further information call Relcross on 01380 729600, email or visit

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