Monday 11 July 2016

Teckentrup gives Elvis (Truckport) a seriously big solution for its trucks!

Logic suggests that distribution companies work with pallet loads, however the facility to handle part loads brings increased versatility and the ability to increase the utilisation of each vehicle load. 

This was one of the factors behind the creation of a new building for logistic company Truckport Elvis. The design of the building required that trucks could drive in and out, unhindered by narrow doorways that normally limit flow.

The result of this is a 10,000 square metre hall with two entrance/exit doorways through which the lorries drive in and out. The entrances and exits were planned to be extra-large so that they do not become an obstruction in the hub. They are 15 metres wide and almost five metres high. No average door will do the job; enter the Teckentrup XXL roller door.

Two doors located next to each other, in which the middle post takes over the lateral guidance; the post then slides to one side when the doors are fully opened. Eight ThermoTeck XXL roller shutters with direct mount drive were fitted into the four hall entrances - two for each opening.

The middle post is 50 cm wide and is made from galvanised steel; it ensures that the doors remain stable and assists with guidance. It is connected with the guide rails at the top; using these it can also be shifted to the side. Safety is ensured at all times:

To shift the post, it must first be unlocked; in the same manner, the doors can only be moved when the middle post is locked in place. As the glazing is on eye level, it is easy to see what is happening on the other side.
Every day, 70 to 75 lorries enter the large entrances from all directions. Forklift trucks arrive immediately, load and unload the lorries and the vehicles are quickly back on the road, with new goods and new destinations.

700 to 800 tonnes of goods are moved every night from the truckport unimpeded by small doors!

For more details of Teckentrup’s XXL door call Jim Rodger at Teckentrup UK Limited on 01925 924050 or visit

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