Wednesday 24 July 2019

London Jeweller Strikes Gold with Mul-T-Lock Cliq®

Mul-T-Lock has supplied a high-end jeweller in London with CLIQ® locks in order to help the business manage access to cabinets holding valuable items.

Stocking bespoke pieces and precious stones, the jeweller was looking for a high-level security solution that allowed sales personnel access to individual glass cabinets, without the worry that if one of the keys got lost or misplaced that they would have to replace the entire suite.

Over 50 CLIQ® cam locks from Mul-T-Lock were installed at the jewellers on each of the cabinets, offering maximum security with the added benefit of audit trail capabilities.

These capabilities include the ability to schedule individual access permissions for each key, as well as to provide time-limited access.

In the case of this particular jewellers, each member of staff was given access to a selection of cabinets at varying times, with individual permissions set by the administrator (those who manage the security system).

For example, access could be set for only business hours, meaning that the cabinet could not be accessed at evenings or weekends. Similarly, each time a user opens a lock, it will be recorded in the system, meaning that the administrator can keep an eye on operations electronically.

Specialist Mul-T-Lock integrator, Elelock Systems Ltd specified and installed the CLIQ® locks at the jewellers, after weeks of careful consultation with the business owner to better understand the store’s requirements.

Chrys Chrysostomou, Managing Director of Elelock said:
“One of the biggest concerns for this particular jeweller was the threat of compromised security if cabinet keys were lost. Mul-T-Lock’s CLIQ® technology means you can revoke access in minutes, whereas with a traditional system you would have needed to replace the whole lock – costing time and money.
“With no cabling the system was easy to configure and install, making it suitable for a variety of applications. The store manager also received hands-on training from ourselves and Mul-T-Lock, alongside the jeweller’s head of IT and security representative.”

Suresh Peri, Commercial & Technical Manager at Mul-T-Lock added:
“Our CLIQ® system is ideal for retail applications where there are a number of members of staff who need access at varying times, or that require individual permissions for access to high security storage rooms, cabinets or drawers.
“Being able to revoke access permissions when a member of staff leaves also allows retailers to uphold their security and reduce ongoing maintenance costs.”

To learn more about CLIQ® technology and Mul-T-Lock’s expertise within retail stores, please call 01902 364200, email or visit

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